for now, ima take it EZ. hope you guys do too.
Friday, March 19, 2010
smells like teen spirit
for now, ima take it EZ. hope you guys do too.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
oh happy st. patricks day. the green beer will take a back seat to work. but i'll try to catch up if i can.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
everything can happen

the tagline from my newest guilty pleasure. think ENTOURAGE but in the NYC and before they were famous oh & with waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better eye candy in my humble opinion. the casting was on point. im diggin bryan greenburg, my fav shannon sossamon is always purdy and the dude from raising victor vargas is all growns up now. other than that, the premise is pretty relatable to "young twentysomethings" as they say. im diggin the playlists too. i hope they dont let me down. they had me at hello.
HBO's new series "How to Make It in America" comes from the same producing team as "Entourage" -- but the thing you should know about it before anything else is that, aside from exploring the bond between guys and airing on HBO, it's not a whole lot like "Entourage."
Whereas Vinny Chase and his boys made it to the top and never really fell that far from it, "How to Make It" is about what it's like to be on the bottom of the heap and looking for a way up. "It's a street-level show," is how creator Ian Edelman puts it. "It's the beginning of a journey."
The show stars Bryan Greenberg ("October Road") and Victor Rasuk ("Stop-Loss," "Raising Victor Vargas") as Ben and Cam, long-time friends and would-be fashion moguls who have big ideas but less ability to execute them. The show follows their struggles to start a denim line -- how they luck into the fabric is part of the story in Sunday's (Feb. 14) premiere -- and make their names in the business. Luis Guzman, Lake Bell, Eddie Kaye Thomas and Scott "Kid Cudi" Mescudi also star.
Here are four other things you should know going into the show.
Comedy with a side of drama. "How to Make It" has plenty of funny moments, but as with shows like "Hung," "Nurse Jackie" and "United States of Tara," it mixes in more dramatic material too ("HTMI" isn't on those shows' level yet, but its tone is similar). "It's [about] a period in life where there's a lot of hard work to be done and everything is -- you're figuring it out, there's an existential window, and there are pressures, so some things hit harder than others," Edelman says. "... It's just kind of a realism and authenticity of this moment that we're going for."
Ensemble piece. Greenberg and Rasuk are definitely the center of the show, but the rest of the cast -- particularly Guzman, who plays Cam's ex-con uncle, and Bell, as Ben's ex-girlfriend -- have their own stories.
"Lake Bell has a much more significant role than what you see in the pilot," Greenberg says. "The audience can follow what it's like to be a single girl in her 20s trying to make it as an interior designer, and also dealing with the aftermath of a breakup and running into your ex at different functions, dating a new guy, and just questioning her career choice and life in the city. Eddie Kaye Thomas [as a high-school buddy of Ben's who's now a Wall Street big shot] is really funny. And Luis ... we end up borrowing money from him, and there are consequences that come from borrowing money from him."
Chemistry experiment. Despite that, though, the show wouldn't work if Greenberg and Rasuk didn't spark together, and they really do. Rasuk has infectious energy, and Cam serves as a great counterpoint to Greenberg's more serious Ben. "When Bryan and Victor first met each other, we couldn't have been happier," Edelman says. "It was like instant chemistry. Victor is from the Lower East Side" -- much of the show is set in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn -- "and Bryan has spent so much time living there. ... They were like instant friends -- you could feel their back story. It was like a chemical thing; we couldn't plan for it. We were fantastically lucky."
Will they make it? Not right away ("It's not called 'Made It in America,'" Greenberg jokes). Edelman says the show is about "baby steps," the little victories and setbacks on the road to achieving a dream. "We don't want to slow the storytelling down too much [but we want to] find the joys along the way," he adds. "But it's a nonstop hustle and a nonstop grind. You take a step forward, and it's three steps back. They're kind of figuring it out."
im excited bout sunday nights again.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
40/40 club

lent is upon us. for the next 40 days & 40 nights im not gonna worry about what food vice i'll sacrifice but instead im gonna focus on the extra things i could do spiritually. u know, "i wanna do something better for mankind & all." you know donate my time and money to some worthy cause or just genuinely help someone in need, that kind of do-gooder stuff. but i love seein how people are giving up stuff like rice, fast food, booze, etchetera, etchetera, etchetera.... although im sure they are determined, i hope they are intending to sacrifice how JC sacrificed and not some excuse to kick in their 2010 diet resolutions. im jus saying, im not one to judge. how bout this cross tattoo? i like it. "i like it a-lawt" here's to the next 40/40 & hoping we all are better people after.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
phat tuesday

onto more interesting biznass. it's fat tuesday. the eve before lent. & you kno why i kno its almost lent its because if you didnt notice yet all the fast food chains have deal$$$$ on all their fish sangwiches. mcdo, wendy's, jack-in-the-crack. thats sad huh. but ya some people may use this day as an excuse to be fatasses. im really tryin not to. actually i dont want to. if you think about it we're all fatasses everyday. this could be a regular tuesday to some. hahaa. sorry. but people are starving everywhere and we have it made. besides i dont wanna waste anymore calories on excuses. i have a goal & ima reach it damnit. but its dpl night. we'll see if luck will strike 2 weeks in a row. i swear i had better blogs in my head we'll see if theyre lucky enough to make it online. i have to be grown up & finish my laundry & get ready for work. i hope this day goes by fast. happy fat tuesday!! i meant P-H-A-T. hahha ok im gone.
Monday, February 15, 2010
valentimes schmalentimes is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap."

can neva get enough of esotsm.
ya fuck you people in love. oh wait scratch that. im really happy for you. i dont wanna sound like an angry black woman. hahaha. im not. dude screw it if you dont have a valentimes. it really doesnt mean shit. im actually amused about how people let this "holiday" affect them. affect or effect? AFFECT.... dont you hate that. i kno im dumb. but ya i partook in the traditional vday rituals and hit up the g-spot. but it was fun. very good company & a blast from the past. oh & i was the reigning rock-paper-scissors champ. fuck ya!! not a bad vday at all. im thankful its over now, so i dont have to see the throw up of the color combo of red/pink/white til the next year. hope yours was as great as mines.

i dont even know what the fuck the message is on here but i thought it was cute.
fuck u vday, i mean happy vday.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ok so i finally finally finally went to da poetry lounge. thanks GOD as my gramama says. its been pretty hard to make it cuz i work late, i have to rush to make it on time and then sometimes people arent feeling it; excuses, excuses i know. BUT i fuckin finally made it. & it was dopeness as usual. it feels so raw. like you could start to feel all the little emotions & shit, whether it be touchy/feely to fucking hysterical. i kid you not, we got in late of course so we had to sit on stage; shortly after we got there, a whiter than white red neck-ish type boy came in all by himself. my first thought was, "oh this white boy is brave or lost..." hahah ok besides the point. so ya he looked like a normal white boy kinda outta place no biggie or anything. BUT after the first set, he suddenly goes up on stage and straight up starts spitting some "poetry." right i know... first of all his name was, P-SLICK & he was reppin brooklyn, okayyy? "brooklyn in da housssssssse" as he said. but that wasnt the best part, his poem was about pussies and clits and all this sex stuff. i mean my jaw just dropped like everyone else's in the place. it was so fucking funny. you would have never ever guessed a white boy like that would be all profane tryin to talk ebonically. & he was serious. ok so if youre having a hard time imagining this it's like he was kinda sounding like EMINEM but looking like.....some run of the mill mid-western blonde white boy, his eyebrows and lashes were probly blonde, ya that white; you see what i mean. all in all after all this bashing he was pretty ok. his delivery was outstanding, he mos def had a presence. it was his first time, i think he's a wannabe actor. see now all y'all have to go now!! hahaha. ok one more though, this little cute black girl went up and said this poem about LOVE & shtuff, like each line was,"your love is like....waking up noon or later, your love is like.....a full tank of gas" blah blah blah & bullshit like that. it was so cute, so simple but he bf was there in the audience and it was her vday gift to him. how fuckin cute, damn those bastards in love. ANYWAYS, what im really tryin to say is that these poets (& i use that term loosely) all have balls. theyre so brave to get up there and pour their hearts out. not easy my friends, not at all. maybe one day before i die, i'll get up there one day. but i wont tell anyone tho, it'll be a secret, maybe kinda sorta. dpl did hit the spot tho, good vibes, good tunes, good poets mostly.
Friday, January 29, 2010
was a good day. no complaints whatsoever.
work was not bad. i was fuckin late though & forgot to clock back in from lunch. i always do that, i needs to learn better. but my manager is gon to take care of that so we allll good. but why you ask i had a good day @ work? i upsold on one of my patients and treated a patient that GOOD that he asked to request me for next time. it feels good when you know youre doin good @ work. you cant buy that validation my friends. i'll explain mi trabajo in depth later, if you dont even understand what the fuck up$elling is and all that bullshit (that deserves another blog). but ya, in a nutshell my thursday was delightful. hookah + a lil bit of booze + good company + good convo = dopeness.

im feelin really inspired right now maybe thats why i cant sleep. dude my body clock is all messed up. but i vanted to blog because i want remember how motivated i am. i've jus been thinkin lately like i always do. i dont wanna look back at things and think of my shoulda, coulda, wouldas. i feel like im finally in a good place right now and in time i'll learn to realize that things happen for a reason. im jus gonna ride this somewhat "good" wave for as long as i can. cuz the secret, my friends is: whatever you put out there, you get back. if youre positive and do good = good shit happens to you, if youre pessimistic and negativo = bad shit always finds you. im writing too much again. im gonna knock out & finally watch 500 days of summer. my current favorite movie. but i'll leave you with some parting words stolen from COMMON, "the present is a gift, and i just wanna BE." deep huh?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
not for long though. my girl carla is back from canada for what seemed to be 1237612038612093721 years. i blogged about this, look in the archives, that long ago. i feel like the group is complete again. our missing link is back and it seemed like we didnt skip a beat. so much has changed but still stayed the same.... ya i said it. now instead of wishing our girl was here with us, we're all fighting to spend time with her. its great i love it. its been dopeness though. i feel like a tourist because we've been taking her to places in cali that i've never been before, i.e. san antonio winery. we also were touristas @ city walk. i love these gyrl times and ima cherish it while i can. oh & ethel is addicted to her droid so pix were a must @ every moment whether we liked it or not.... all love girl, thx for forcing us to take pix though im jus jealous cuz my phone is crap. not for long though.... ok im ramblin, point is my girl is back & it feels so good. here are some visual aids thanx to ethel jem & her new love, the D R O I D!! hahahaha
Friday, January 22, 2010
instead of being sad, i'll reminisce about my favorite memories with her.
she was the definition of coolness, always chill and loved her some swap meets
(maybe that where my love for swap meets comes from)...
she was so cute & loving,
every time i see a lil old asian lady i think of her =)
i miss & love you much

Thursday, January 21, 2010
foodie love

Get ready to EAT YOUR HEART OUT at the hottest Valentine's date in the land!
This Valentine's why not show love to the people who bring us meals on wheels? There are taco trucks, cupcake trucks, ice cream trucks, BBQ trucks, vegan trucks, fusion trucks, fruit carts, fish taco stands, bacon wrapped hot dogs, and many more... With so many street food options, why choose just one when we're bringing them all to you?
Celebrate and discover LA's amazing street food scene with an annual outdoor festival that promises to be a delicious good time!
o-o-o-o-o-o Featuring the best of LA's mobile food trucks and street food! MOBILE FOOD TRUCKS Sample from dozens of the city's most popular mobile food trucks including The Buttermilk Truck, Grilled Cheese Truck, Sweets Truck, Fresser's, Frysmith, Slice Truck, Flying Pig, Fishlips, Komodo, and many, many more AUTHENTIC LA STREET FOOD
Sample dozens of authentic street food delicacies including pambazos from Antojitos de Abuelita, acaraje from Sabor de Bahia, coconut fritters from the Wat Thai Temple, Mama Koh's Korean chicken wings, and much, much more BREED STREET FOOD FAIR
Sample street food vendors from East LA's Breed Street scene including Rodolfo's Barbacoa, Hello Lupe's Pancakes, Antojitos Carmen and Nina's Foods o-o-o-o-o Plus LA's best local designers, artists, entertainment, and more! * POP-UP UNIQUELA MINI MARKET
Cool wares from 30 of the best local designers and artists, great for those last minute Valentine's presents
* DIY DEN Make your own love notes and Valentine cards in the free DIY DEN craft area * VIP LOUNGE Luxury lounge area with premium gift bags, luxe street food like Chef Josef Centeno's bäcos, a private bar and more (VIP tickets and pricing TBA)
* Oh! Snap PHOTO BOOTH Snap a pic at a Valentine's food truck themed digital photo booth
* LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Check out live artists, performances from local Capoeira Batuque, and more
* BEER & WINE BARS * Leave Your Car at Home Bike Valet / METRO friendly *
BYOB* Bring your own *blanket and enjoy a day with family, friends and great food in the sun!
if this is aint fatASS enough for you here's more to salivate about:
im hungry now....


im OMY. its official... ok no im not. i wish. ok enough of that. its still raining. the rain & are good friends again. =) i had the best call this morning! someone just "crossed the border" i cant wait......
a good good friend, one of my best actually, sent me this email. at first glance it looked like one of those chain emails that you have to forward to everyone or else u might die or not get your true love or not become rich in next 10 days or your wish wont come true if you dont send it to 8 enough people. i hate those emails unless the message is of actual substance & not stupid shit that wastes my time. BUT i really liked this one. its the same shit we've heard time & again but it would never hurt to hear one more time. we often forget it's the simple things that make a difference. THE BEST IS YET TO COME.
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants...
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2009.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily.. And while you walk, smile.
11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12 Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument.
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29.. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up..
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, be thankful for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.
40. (really said to send this email to everyone....blah blah blah)
BUT my#40 is posting this up on mi blog for all you beautiful people out there. all 2 of u :)
2010 is it.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
slappin da bass
"trying is having the intention to fail. you gotta scrap that word out of your vocabulary. say you’re going to do it and you will,"
– i love u, man
good quote out of many from such a funnnny movie. its always on! but that just means i can quote it more. slappa da bass, mon. someone get me the dvd. "slappa da bass mon!"
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
tuesdays = mawndays

my work week starts today. not bad eh. im diggin it, this fucking storm i aint. im starting to love tuesdays. not only because my work week seems to go by quicker BUT its DPL nights. for those of you who aint cool like dat, DPL = da poetry lounge. i love love love it. im no poet or anything but its pretty powerful, motivating and uplifting; jus ordinary people doin they thang. beauty is definitely in the ear of the beholder....
this one is one of my favoritist
but this one leaves me in awe, like you know how somethings make the hair on the back of your neck stand up but in a good way, sends me the shivers
check it out yo:
see you there?
Monday, January 18, 2010
dancing in the rain
the rain is here and im not as happy as i am when its raining. i love the rain but it aint doin it for me yet. i used to take solace in the rain... i dont know. i feel like gettin some pho. pho always makes me feel better. i'll get over it, ok im over it now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
training daze

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
i need a resolution
the goal of 2010:

ok so since its the new years and all that bullshit. resolutions are def in order. i dont necessarily believe in resolutions as i said last year but the notion is always motivating. whatever floats your boat man. aniwais, in the grand tradition of bettering oneself i've come up with a list of my very own thangs to resolve:
-blog waaaay much more.

i guess i've been neglecting you because i;ve been busy. ok scratch that, its just a lame excuse. along with my internet is crappy another lame one, i could blog from any functioning computer. i guess i was just suffering a huge case of writers block = my lazy ass didnt feel like it. & plus u know how sometimes you write/post just in case you think someone is reading.....yeah im so over that. but no i really blogged for numba 1 & me only. & now that my life seems to goin in a very favorable direction im compelled to blog more. im happy my creative juices are flowing again........ ima try my bestest bestest keep this cypher rollinnn
-get to my lbs goal

ok so not to toot my own horn but i've done a dramatic lbs. loss before and i could do it again. oh ok toot toot! i did it before i could do it again. ya im puttin myself on blast. "i guess its just water & EXLAX til prom" hahahaha. but seriously i really wanna lose 3 lbs.
-paint more

i miss painting
-read more

im determined. im not a reader but i promised myself to read more stimulating material.
-take more pictures

which means i would have to buy my own camera first but i will.
-relearn to play the piano

i used to dread piano lessons, maybe because my teacher was some annoying bitch or maybe because my mom would force me to practice.....i wasnt bad at playing, not bad at all. but i stopped playing, now i think i've forgotten. i really wanna get into again.

i woulda put "MORE" but i've been no where lately. i wanna travel since i have the funds somewhat i have nothing else to hold me back. which reminds me i need to renew the passport pronto.
-stick with my gut

i have the worst case of 2nd guessing myself. my indecisiveness is my curse. its just this twitch i have where i make a decision and 2nd guess it like a minute later. & about stupid shit. i get too tripped up & i hate that. i promise to get better. i just got to go with the flow.....
-be open & let the guard down

my guard is so UP that its really hard to relinquish that control.
-stay positivo

dude u already know.....
-indoor skydive

got the hook up, i need to take advantage before the opportunity aint there no mo.
-stop smoking

ok cmon like thats gonna happen. but fo reals to cut back more? like not so much on the weekdays. i know that was laughable but it was a good notion. maybe i should invest in that tobacco-less ciggy thing that cost$$ a lot, but then again my lungs/health is priceless.
-basically make o ten a better year than o nine.

ok so much to my hesitation to post up a list, i've decided to be OPEN and put it all out there and challenge myself. im sure this list will get longer with me crossing out things slowly but surely.