Monday, February 9, 2009

call of duty

i got the summons. jury summons that is. i've never served jury duty before due to this bullshit reason: school, school, school. education does come numero uno tho. so this week, actually today, is the start of my call of duty. thanx GOD i called to check if my juror group had to report to the courthouse & it does NOT. im happy. w/fingas crossed i wont have to report in all week. i feel like such a citizen. doin my civic duty to the el aye. in other news mediation was my other call of duty & i rose up. it was not so easy but im happy to say that the checks, balances & peace have been restored for the most part & it feels so good. i couldnt have ask for no more or no less. its a give & take type thang which is tested over time. nd you dont pass or fail when tested; you have to live it, learn it, & grow from it. ya hurrrrd.

today [yesterday] was a day tho. a rush man. im tired both mentally & physically. im freezing rye now and you know its THAT cold cuz i dont get cold that easily. oh & the kid sis & i baked today. we was jus feelin it. ps. we baked from scratch, no mixes or anything. like ace of cakes/crumbs/sprinkles/auntie ems/status. check it out:

cupcake, smupcake...we're good huh. fuck i amaze myself. hahahaha. that's tight tho.

btw im diggin my new nail polish color as im typing this blog. you would too. its from for love. the color is TROPICAL NL57. sometimes i catch myself looking & admiring mi nuevo nail color, ya i said it. girls you know what im talkin bout. hahaha. ima enjoy these crazy colors now cuz when i become a full-fledged nurse (which I WILL), ima have to tone it downs a notch. to me, its the littlest things.


Anna Mari said...

wow. even the designs on the cupcakes you did? shit you can start your on cupcake store.

cinz said...

hahaha. gurrl puhleez. i wish. tight tho? looks do-able, maybe one day.