Thursday, May 14, 2009

aint nuthin but a G thang

btw, that's G for gangsta. haha. its my girl, rose's 25th. this girl is the funniest & one of the sweetest people you will ever know. never a dull moment w/her. we're always laughing bout something stupid. thats just how we do. we go waaaaaay back. how back? 17 years back. but yes time flies but the friendship has proved strong. we'll always have stories that start off, "remember in grade school when you...." or "remember that time in high school...." loves that. but among our many common interests, the one thing we share is our love for father of the bride I & II. hahahahaha. we could quote those movies to no end. so i'll leave ya w/one of my faves: [in a weird/heavy habibi accent] "yourrr path, yourrr fence, yourrr memoooreeez..." hahahahahaha. so many memories w/u girl & more to come.

happy birhday my azn sistah!! loves ya much.

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