Thursday, March 19, 2009

killa thursdaze

its thursday: the unofficial weekend day. i love thursdays for some reason. i dunno. maybe because it feels like you're getting a taste of the weekend without it really being the weekend. stay w/me, so you go out on thursday, party/chill/wateva tickles your pickle then you wake you up the next morning and guess what kids: its only friday... which means you still have the weekend left to be lazy & procrastinate or crazy & party it up some more. i dunno if that makes sense to you. but it does to me. or maybe because my school weeks used to be monday - thursday, so at the moment of freedom on thursday afternoons i would go out w/dan and be up to no good. hahaha. noooo never just stupid fun. but ya plus on thursdays it feels like there's no pressure or anything, its like a free for all. but although im spitting out all this thursday love, they just aint the same though. life kinda got in the way. but this needs to be changed, pronto. oh and it will. but more importantly....

a big birfday shoutout to my girl, MERYL. happy bday love!!! hope you live it up in vegASS. i know you & the girls will have a blast. sorry i aint ridin this weekend. im cryin on the inside. haha. but i'll be there in spirit. you know whats up. think of me when you see that photobooth. hahahaha. but yes, win big & drink like there's no tomorrow. hahahaha. just playing on the latter. have a great one <3 ya


imeryl said...

thanks cindy! you're the best thanks for the cupcakes!!!!

iza said...

aww our thuzzzdaze!! i miss that =(

your bloggers are probably wondering who this dan guy is? cuz you've never mentioned him before..but anyways he's should def hit that <3

aww and ima miss you this weekendddd iwish u were's okay let's just go again with Dad and the buffet errrrydaaaaayy hahaha oh the old days..ok like my novel?? haha. D i'm outtie.