Wednesday, March 18, 2009

this one's for patrick...

...santo patrick that is.

"it's like cinco de mayo, but for white people."

i know i know, a day late and a dollar short. so sue me. i've never really celebrated this holiday before but i felt festive this year so why the hell not. besides i've been bummed about turning down begas and other things non-test related so i decided to get out and release that stress. i dont like to stay bummed for too long its not good for my complexion. but i joined the buds and got a good buzzzz goin on. green beer was aight. the chant of the night was: "this one's for patrick, do it for patrick!!" as we made colin chuggg. hahahaha. good times. i miss that. but the 27's were the cherry on top.

ps. burbank you suck for establishing smoking laws, you're just making us break the law. suck ooooon that.


Anonymous said...

no wonder its colins favorite holiday

Anonymous said...

no wonder its colins favorite holiday