Tuesday, September 29, 2009

there is always hope

im sittin next to my windowsill. on my side of the bed. its cold. the night sounds peaceful & i love it.

i've been getting a funny feeling lately. not exactly a cute one but a weird one? i cant put my finger on what it is but my gut is telling me that life & all of its idiosyncrasies are unfolding. all these things i've only imagined before are actually starting to manifest & i need to take it all in wholeheartedly. its scary and exciting. i dont wanna fuck it up so im scared. its a waiting game of hits and misses. but the greater the risk the greater the reward. i still cant explain this weird funny feeling tho. its indescribable. but for now i'll stay grateful. for everything. the good & the bad. because i heard em say, people in your life are seasons and everything that happens is for a reason. i truly believe timing is everythang...

in the meantime, banksy says there is always HOPE.

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