Friday, September 26, 2008

cuz you're my hot thang

special sending this one out to you and you and you and you

i thought it was supposed to be FALL. why has it been HOTT like a mofo for the past days?? i kno the heat has been gettin to you too. i was in the valley the whole day yesterday (fr northridge to noho to woodland hills) running errands and the heat fuckin sucked. ok i'll quit my bitchin now.

now, im not a person who takes their horoscope to heart. sometimes i'll read it just because. most of the time its the generic bullshit thats too vague or has no relation to your current status. OR, sometimes it can be so on point that its scary. ok so check it, ima virgo baby and this was my horoscope for thursday, sept 25:

you are looking forward to some fun and it is hard to keep your mind

focused on the daily realities today. there are likely to be a lot of phone
calls and interruptions, and there may be annoying little problems with
computers. three words, backups, backups, backups!

i kno what you're thinking. generic bullshit that can relate to anyone. BUT this totally hit the spot. when i read it, i was like "awww shit" they hit the nail on the muthafuckin head. in my most determined attempts to stay focused these past weeks, i've still been distractable. its just this test is bitch. i cannot wait til i pass. its been a long time coming.. im gonna get so hammered the day i can rightfully claim the BSN,RN. you're all invited to the party. whenever that will be. but i gotsta keep on, keepin on. today i was good tho. i studied. i did not go out despite the usual temptations. and i do still have fucking annoying computer problems. my comp sporadically starts to alarm i think cuz it overheats at times. i should really check that out. it is really annoying tho, it bugs the shit outta me and carol especially when its late at night and she's tryin to sleep.

im up so late. i just heard the newspaper guy throw our daily news on the driveway. i should sleep now. but i love this time of night. aniwais, i'll leave with one of my faves from the summer. a corny photobooth pix of my seester and goddaughter, kaythe. isnt she cute?

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