Tuesday, April 7, 2009

FULL house

whatever happened to predictability?

predictability is a bitch. thats wassup. everywhere i look...there's a heart? a hand to hold on to..... hahaha. you know i had to. BUT lately my life kinda sorta feels like FULL house. NOOOOT. well minus uncle jesse & his mullet, no rippers, no "you got it dudes," no "have mercy!!," no "how rudes," no "cut-it-outs" w/joey doing those corny hand gestures & danny tanner aint giving us a lesson in morality (ya know when they play that instrumental touchy feely music @ the end of every episode). hahahaha. but its just funny when u think about it. like why the fuck am i comparing my life to a sitcom? becuz you have to laugh off life, thats why. in so many words, shit kinda hit the fan. but you just have to make do; in my case, it's making do w/familiar faces en mi casa. it could be way worse right? at first it was interesting, then comical & took some time to get used to. but actually, i'll admit that the situation is kinda comforting (maybe a m&m's worth, tho). personal space may be a little bit harder to find but home is where your heart is. & my <3 is bunking w/carol. she said that one day we would have a good hard laugh about this; we we're "older." but what can you do? such is life. i have nooooo complaints tho [well you know what i mean]. miss positive tells me that this was a blessing in disguise if you want the silver lining. i guess i believe this because despite all the chaos plus being the biggest distraction to date, i've managed to see it as my biggest motivation. gotsta keep on keepin on. the words, "it was meant to be" seem fitting right now. ANIWAIS, on a way lighter note, i fucking loved this show. who the hell didnt? member T.G.I.F on ch.7? that was the shit right there. miss that. but i wanted to share this wit cha. [i want to make clear that i did not make this]. but ya, i thought fo sho mk+a would be top dog, check out tito jesse though. the mullet reigns supreme. so so zexy.

1 comment:

rose said...

TITO JESSE ahhaha. remember i actually slipped that out one day? anyway. its cool just admit you made this obsessive pyramid thing. be honest. haha
