Thursday, April 30, 2009

water balloon fighters, low riders & east siders

its the last day of april & im feenin for summer. guess ya know whats in my head space. maybe because ima summer baby. summer heat is a bitch but summatime & the livins EZ. the beach, vacays, breezies, long-ass days, on & on & on & on. oh & my bday! a while back someone, knowing full well that my bday is in august, once told me, "august is such a bad luck month"....i was like wtf bitch? she was just a hater. august is the shit. aniwais, maybe im feenin for summer so much cuz of this song. i fuckin love this song. everytime i hear it, it hits the spot. fo realz. like right from the get go when that chick is singing, ahhhh summertime, that's the shit right there. i heard this song on my shuffle last weekend and everyone in the car was all, "oh shit, that's the jam right there." hahaha. well something like dat. it just puts me in the best mood where you're super care free for about the 4:00 minute duration of the song. right? who's w/me on that one? i have 2 favorite summer songs & this is MOS DEF one of them. ok, i even bought the cassette tape & made mixtapes & shit. summer please come like now.

i was gonna just post the song but thought you might enjoy the video.
the best summer anthem:

why do we do what we do when we do what we do hangin out late w/no curfew?

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