Wednesday, June 24, 2009

completely miserable

in the mornings. i got this really mean cough, sore scratchy throat-phelm til you die type coughs. & of course it's always the worst in the mornings cuz all those secretions build up @ nite cuz you're sleeping. it's the worst feeling for me. i havent been sick in a really long time, probly a year or 2? but ya, i've been coughing up a lung these past mornings. as if im goin to die because i wanna it all out, like youre almost crying. it sucks. but despite my lil health situation, i feen for a stogey. baaaad bad cindy. i dont know. im not a pack a day smokers, but a casual smoke break would suffice. it just hits the spot sometimes. such a guilty pleasure. ok for me, it's like when youre stressed out or need sometime to collect your thoughts, you sneak outta the house & enjoy your stog & that moment of relaxation w/o anyone buggin you or up in your biznatch. or maybe cuz i've been kinda sad about things. it's on & off. BUT, my body is telling me something. & it's forcing me to listen. we'll see how i do. all this smoke talk makes me wanna go puff puff pass. cant stop, wont stop, should stop.

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