"oh baby i feel so down..."
the aftermath of lastnite....NOT
last nite was carols annual pool partay; the poolhouse delivered again except for that dumb rent-a-cop but i cant hate cuz he's just doing his job & im tryna be his friend so for next time...ya know? i discovered my etoh tolerance was higher than i thought [good for me], i learned that boys have feelings too, weird wrinkly old dudes in shiny track suits shouldnt stay up past their bedtime, the cupcake masterpiece to feed an army was a hit and lots of "leftovers" & if ya didnt get it, thats code for boooooze....you know what that means. i'll let ya know when & where. hahahaha. you know it. aniwais, bday girl got drunk and i was just happy to catch up w/some good people. check & check. it was fun. i almost forgot that feeling, ALMOST. btw the "yan-man's" love for the SHAM WOW was too fuckin funny: it was those you-had-to-be-there type of moments. if yous wasnt there you missed out, be there next time. i jacked pix from jacko cuz ya know my girl is lightning fast when it comes to that shizz. i'll add more when im not lazy.