Saturday, December 27, 2008

another one bites the dust

the BAD NEWS first: my cell phone has died. R.I.P.
fucking shit i dropped my cell phone in the damn toilet. duuuuuumb. it killed my night. i mean i didnt piss in the toilet yet. but still. so i go into the stall get ready to do my biznass and it fuckin drops in the can. w/o even thinkin i grab my phone up outta the toilet like a hot potato as if my life depended on it. i know, i know what youre thinking, "ew gross she put her hand in the toilet, how could she do that..." blah blah blah. but shit i had to, you would too. this phone is like my baby. ok maybe not my baby but you kno how cell phones are to people nowadays. you feel naked w/o it, or at least i do. and plus this phone was a gift. i've been havin bad luck w/phones until this one came my way. i mean i desperately tried to dry it but i couldnt get up in the nooks and crannies of this damn slider phone. now thanks GOD it wasnt a luxury phone like an iPhone or Blackberry Storm cuz then i think i woulda killed myself. my homies were thoughtful enough to help ease the pain w/hef. but that was just a temporary distraction. im so sad/pissed. but its like to the point where youre too frustrated to get pissed off. ya kno wat i mean. im jus assed out, its like what can i do? my phone is basically fucked and i have to suck it up, hustle some monay and get a new phone. daryll gave me hope and helped tried to resuscitate my baby, but it looks like im gonna be burying it in my cell phone graveyard. boo fuckin hoo.

the GOOD NEWS: xmas was dope. i heart ben button. & star sighting of the maddens minus baby harlow.
hahaha. this was probly the best xmas i had in years. fo reals. so many functions from both sides of the famlay was comforting. xmas eve we spent at my uncles brand spankin newly furnished cribs like house. nice right. then midnight mass. xmas day i woke up to smell of my mom's home cooking and my aunt and uncle singing magic mic, wrapped the rest of my gifts, got an unexpected phone call that i missed, got hyped up and watched the laker game buzzin it from the wine, and then more famlay time at my aunts house.

[xmas pix]

day after christmas saw the curious case of benjamin button. i give it 2 thumbs up. if i had more thumbs i give them too. but it was really good, i kinda compare it to forrest gump in a way. didnt think cate and brad would make such a cute couple. warning: this movie was 2+hrs long so pee before.

goddamn brad, angelina is one lucky bitch.

BUT before and after the movie i saw nicole richie and joel madden in the flesh @ the americana. they were havin date night i assume cuz they were walking into the theatres. it was nice to see them being normal citizens. i wanted to see if anyone noticed them too, but no one was fazed. on the way out i noticed they were right behind us. 2x in one night. i whisper to colin, "nicole richie is right behind us!" and she didnt believe me. i had the pleasure of telling her i told u so. they were cute together. she's so tiny and looked very laid back wearing a beanie, black jacket on black leggings and flats. what you see is what u get. i wonder who was taking care of harlow?

like that BUT not.

the end.

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