Saturday, January 3, 2009

got til its gone

don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's--GONE. joni mitchell neva lies.

sometimes bad things happen to good people. there's no rhyme or reason. shit just happens. like when people lose their house and belongings in a fire. personally, im no where near the vicinity of that emotional pain but it just drives my point. the trick: to not fall into the trap of self-pity asking, "why did this happen to me?" the true test is what you do when life hands you lemons: are you gonna surrender to the pressure? or are you gonna paint shit gold? easier said than done, uh yeah. but only the strong survive. suffice it to say something bad happened. bad enough that we had to call the 5-O. very unfortunate, yes. but it couldve been worse. it forces you to realize the value of everything you have and re-evaluate what actually has worth.

we're gonna rise above and soldier on cuz life's too short...
it starts off w/a healthy point of view: [take your pick]

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