Thursday, March 26, 2009

"i want you to hit me as HARD as you can"

this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time...

these 2 white boys. "white" fuckin hott. literally. hahaha. the victims of my distraction. anything to take away from the "real world." hahaha. as if my life is a reality show. NOT. if it was then i would be in the confessional right now venting my ass off. but that's not my style. i have a tendency to suppress things til no end. thats how i roll. its just easier that way, i dont like people up in my biznatch. my heart is no where near my sleeve. aniwais, my family ties are fucking pulling at me right now and this unexpected situation is forcing me to push my test date back. big surprise. basically, we're in a lurch. a crappy shithole kind of a lurch. you get the picture... my motha keeps saying in so many words that the passing of my test will be the remedy/cure-all/salvation to our problems. but hey NO PRESSURE though. geeeeez. thx mom. i'll just stroll right in save the day. no problem. hahahaha. but im trying to digest the current crisis mode my family is in while trying to master all the nursing content that can possibly fit in my brain. no biggie tho. ya right, it sure aint easy. but i apologize, friends if i've been M.I.A. but that'll just be something temporary. you know me. just pray for my test. now dont worry i wont pull a cindy and tell only one person hoping it wont get out cuz im trying to be "mysterious". oh wait that shit already happened. hahaha. that was my bad, kinda. shoulda known, i blame it on the feeling, blaaaaah; and what! i said it. how did i know that it was gonna go down like that. but that was just funny actually. all i can do is laugh that shit off. ok ok back to the grind. saturday will be a night. i'll reserve the fun til then. but i'll take on the distraction with these even zexier boyz ;)

break me off a piece of that....

pls look at rudd's chest hair. so manly...& GROSS. love em tho.


keshia said...

me and marz were laughing at that pic last nite =] love those foos.

cinz said...

hahahaha. same here. theyre so committed. look at paul rudd tryna get some action.