Tuesday, March 24, 2009

kid seester

someone's all growns up now....

happy 20th birrrrday, sill.

dear ading carol,

hahahahaha. you know we dont say that shit, imagine... but i shall use purple since its your favorite color. i know i do too much. anything for you. aniwais, you aint a teen no more. but i know you'll milk your age card for all its worth since you're the baby of the family. haha. if it makes you feel better you're the oldest 20 y/o i know. big 2-0. time fucking flies. doesnt it feel like yesterday we would torture each other, annoy each other to no end and get in stupid fights? oh wait a minute. that really was yesterday. hahahahahahaha. nooo, our fights arent that stupid. you just bring out the kid in me. i love how our family gets "annoyed" w/our deep lunged laughter and our inside jokes, you know how we do. as g-ma says, we're frick & frack. [i'll take frick]. but ya on the real, im glad we the bff's we are today. awwww. [tear] ya know what i mean. you're the one person who knows me best but can still keep it real w/me when i need it. you tell me how it is & you're always there at the drop of my beanie without fail. i know i throw around the word robot but i know you're all heart. ok girl [haha like that] hope you live it up today as you should. cupcakes will be in abundance this week you'll probly shit one out & the bday love will never get old. let the good things happen to you, ooook?? i hope this bday blog sufficed. cuz i know you're reading this instead of listening to your lecture. bad-ass. i did my best. cuz you's the best. love ya seester. too too much. dont know what i would do without you fo realz.

ate cinz

[what if you actually called me that? awkward...]

this baby will be waiting for you at home.

ps. im laughing right now because im tapping away writing this birday masterpiece and you are right in front me,
knocked out, roommie. you have noooo idea. hahaha suckaaaa. i love it.

pps. remember this convo???

carol: someone's birthday is coming up.

g-ma: oh ya, wednesday right?? i know your birthday is wednesday.
carol: grandma, it's tuesday, march 24th!!! tuesday..... 5 days before your bday.

g-ma: so where we gonna eat?

gotta love her.

ok the end.
happy 20th birday.
i had too much fun w/this blog.
dunno if you could tell?


Anonymous said...

i guess just today i wont call her a loser..hahahha

and if u didnt remind me i wouldve thought that her bday was on wed too lol

iza said...

i texted her earlier today(actually monday to wish her a happy bday). little did i know it was on tuesday! hahaha.

soooo WHERE ARE we eating? hahaha i'm so kidding.

this post was so sweet!! sister lovin! lub it.

rose said...

aww ading carol. hell no i dont call my sisters ate that would b freakin weird. but i do call my mom nay wtf? anyways ur so sweet...

-BASA said...

really sweet !!! cinz , watery eyes i tell you . is carol still having a parlay on sat !!!
