Wednesday, March 11, 2009


uSMOKE. we all smoke.

don't know what to do with your old ass, broke down, janky iPOD's? go green. & REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE.

ideal to conceal your "bad" habit. or the fact that you have cigs in the first place. there's this unwritten rule i try to follow: for every one i bum, i give two back. and cypher just keeps on rollin. this unwritten rule applies to everyone decent that is. there is an exception to the rule though. now if you're out and you see some weird creep scanning the crowd looking for his next cigarette victim & by luck you notice him before he has the chance to look at you, you nonchalantly turn the opposite direction and pretend to even notice him and pray to GOD that he passes you by. that's when you dont have to share cuz you dont wanna put yourself in a k-hole. BUT say this person isnt a creep and not bad, cute even, then its all gravy baby. i've had to learn the exception the hard way. but i share cuz i care when i can.
cleva huh.
time for a smoke break, who's coming w/me???


iza said...

hahaha i'm always down.

thassss wassup.

rose said...

although i dont smoke (cigarettes) i think this is sooo clever.