Wednesday, February 25, 2009

40 days and 40 nights

ashes, ashes, we all fall down. its ash wednesday which only means lent is here = time for soul searching, sacrifice, repentance & reflection for all the catholic folk. yes i embrace my spirituality. you definitely know its lent when you see all those fast food chains heavily endorsing their fish sandwiches e.g. mcdo w/99cents filet-o-fish or jack-in-the-crack w/2 for $3 fish fillets. hahaha. watch you'll see. it's sacrifice and growth through self-denial. should i give up or gain something? im not sure what im gonna do. but in the past, i have managed to give up something for the full 40 days/nights & it felt so good to know that i had the self control to do it. now, i was thinking about giving up blogging (nah, dont think so) but true sacrifice would mean giving up ONE of my weaknesses. not just food/soda but something significant to better myself. maybe i'll just do a little something something extra (a really good deed here & there). we'll see. btw, dont be freaked out or judge people w/black crosses on their foreheads. they didnt forget to wash their faces; they supposed to look like that.

anyhoo, this time always reminds me of the movie, 40 days & 40 nights. a movie w/nudity & strong sexual content is associated w/lent? well ya. its about a guy who freely chooses to stay celibate (no sex whatsoever) for the 40 days of lent until conflict comes in the form of his dream girl, shannon sossamon. but i love this movie. i love shannon & josh as an onscreen couple. but i remember watching this in theatres and instantly wanted to buy the dvd after. that was when movie-to-dvd took a long ass time. on the biggest side note, ashton kutcher & katie holmes were set to play the parts of matt & erica; thank GOD scheduling conflicts caused them to reject.

Erica: If I told you, "Don't think about the color red", what would you think about?
Matt: Sex.

1 comment:

keshia said...

love that movie too.