Tuesday, February 24, 2009

what makes canada so cool?

oooooh canada. been there once on the longest road trip of my life.

some interesting facts:
-smarties, crispy crunch, coffee crisp and apple pie are products from canada.
-baseball, hockey and basketball are canadian inventions.
-they invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, insulin, penicillin, zambonis and short wave radios that save countless lives each year
-they invented Superman
-the handles on their beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on
-botox was invented by canadian women
-the word cyberspace was coined by canadian writer william gibson

not to mention it's birthplace to:

BUT the coolest thing about canada: its where loLA's at. la, things happen for a reason. mr. brightside will prevail for now. believe me when i say canada is lucky right now. well ya know what i mean. keep ya head up. just remember that when life hands you lemons, you paint that shit GOLD. i just miss ya girl. plain & simple. for now, just enjoy the LO-ve. hahaha. get it? cafe primo will be waiting for us. i foresee a canadian roadtrip soon. hahaha.

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